Innovery provides you a knowledge built up over 15 years of experience in managing the most important charging systems (Ericsson Charging System, Matrixx Software).

The design and delivery of services are developed with a rigorous method based on the Project Management Body of knowledge (PMBok), as well as the use of more flexible methods to respond to customer needs and/or the need for change required by the market itself.

Design, execution, implementation and all its aspects such as resources management, risk management, quality compliance, configuration and coordination are totally managed by the team.

A dedicated team of people takes charge of any infrastuctural as well as commercial requests and manages their lifecycle from start to finish, with post-production support for the management of any troubleshooting or anomalies.


In 2019 with the entry of Wise Equity into the shareholder structure, Innovery aims to accelerate its growth in the near future, both organically, leveraging existing customers and building new relationships, and through an M&A strategy aimed at developing products, services and markets at an international level.